Tips to protect your digital identity while you go to town on AI

How to disable chat history in ChatGPT:

1. Log into the ChatGPT website
2. On your main chat screen, click on your profile icon at the bottom left to open a pop-up menu
3. Scroll up to settings and click it
4. Tap Data Controls
5. Next to Data Controls, turn off the Chat History & Training by toggling it off. Your ChatGPT history is now disabled

Note: Even when chat history is disabled, ChatGPT will still retain new conversations for 30 days and will be used for review only in the case of abuse monitoring. After 30 days, the conversations will be permanently deleted.

How to clear old ChatGPT conversations:

1. Log into the ChatGPT website
2. Click on your profile picture to see a pop-up menu
3. Then click on Clear Conversations to begin removing your chats
4. Click Confirm Clear Conversations to validate your choice.

Your past ChatGPT conversation history will now be fully cleared